Book lovers care for books as children do for their toys or adults do for their babies. Not that they bathe them or anything but I’m pretty sure if there was no risk of damaging the books, they would. Anyway, as much as they love their books, they hate to see them get wrinkly or torn or dusty. They just hate to see them get defiled in any manner.
The only priority for them is to ensure that their books are clean and neatly stacked on a shelf. And, of course, they must not reek of mold. Watching clean books is like porn for them so, we guess that is just what we have for you.
Here we have a video from the Boston Public Library where they don’t dust their books ’cause that’s too mainstream. No, they built a freaking car wash (water-free, of course) to do the cleaning. Imagine a magical box where dirty books go in and come out all tidy and spotless. I think I just had a nerdgasm.
Here’s the tweet from the library with a video as a book making its way through the mini car wash.
A behind-the-scenes look at how we remove dust from our #books. It’s like a mini car wash for books, minus the water! #libraries #booklovers
— BostonPublicLibrary (@BPLBoston) April 20, 2017
I could just watch that video on repeat for all eternity. Forget nukes, this is what we should be funding!
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