Friendship between different species is not uncommon. In fact, we love it when a cat and dog become best friends or maybe a cat and rabbit, a chimpanzee and an owl and even squirrels and piglets. This crazy and odd animal buddy combination is proof that love has no boundaries and that the friendship bond is beyond the face, colour and size of other species. The theory is proven by this weird dog and duck friendship who have literally become BFF goals for all of us and we are totally shipping them.
In this video posted by Barcroft Animals on their YouTube channel presents the surprising tale of Barclay, the cute Golden Retriever and his best friend Rudy, a four-year-old alpha duck.
The tale of their friendship is rather interesting as they both met in very non-friendly conditions and had a very rocky beginning. According to Barclay and Rudy’s mum Pam, “When the ducks first arrived, Barclay didn’t care about him at all. But that all changed when he realised they have food and their food is delicious. Barclay loves stealing the duck’s food.”
And Rudy being the alpha duck would try to shoo the doggo away but once Barclay became a regular guest in the duck’s corner, the two developed a close bond which according to Pam is a “symbiotic relationship as Barclay loves sniffing Rudy’s butt and Rudy wants to rule Barclay”.
The adorable BFFs can be seen jumping, climbing cuddling together. Nobody can come even a little close to Barclay as Rudy is on his toes. And being the “official toe bitter”, it’s better not mess with Rudy.
Watch the video here:
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