Ayush Chaturvedi, a Class XI student of Central Hindu Boys School in Varanasi, spoke about Gandhian values and how people have been ignorant in the age of Chetan Bhagat and Facebook. His video has since gone viral.
“It’s a strange irony that people living in the country of Gandhi are the ones who have studied him the least. If those who read Harry Potter and Chetan Bhagat had read Gandhi, then the lessons that the generations have been learning would have been different. But we didn’t do so and that’s why we have ‘fancy’ and ‘Facebook’ knowledge. Like believing that Gandhi was responsible for Partition. Like calling him an appeaser of Muslims. I want to say that there was no greater Hindu than Gandhi. No one used to get scared of his ‘Hey Ram’ because Gandhi was a symbol of India’s secularism. Today, non-violence is interpreted as cowardly and weakness but people don’t remember that we didn’t fight the world’s then biggest military power with weapons.”
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