Has it ever happened to you that you are introduced to something new and all you can think about is how you could’ve found a better way to describe it? Like why did the male genitalia have to be named penis? Could it not have been (as Dany would like to put it) “the pillar and the stones”. Similarly, what idiot called it stars instead of night-lights? And whoever thought Donald Trump could be named POTUS?
Whatever it is that you may wish to get renamed, you know you can’t exactly get it changed. Doesn’t mean you have to shut up about it. Now with social media at our disposal, we can undo whatever monstrosity our ancestors have left behind.
What idiot called it a vet instead of a dogtor
— i feel like (@heyifeellike) January 29, 2017
What idiot called it “motorboating” and not “boobuzela”.
— Millennianal (@SkulldelaCreme) June 7, 2017
What idiot called it car repair and not Auto Correct?
— PreOccupiedTerritory (@POTerritory) June 7, 2017
what idiot called it Roadies and not pick-a-chu
— Shibesh (@lordoftheshibs) June 7, 2017
What idiot called it erectile dysfunction and not thrust issues?
— Professional Heckler (@HecklerForever) June 6, 2017
What idiot called it a “smoke detector” instead of a “fire distinguisher”?
— Beemerang (@ThisBikerBoy) May 31, 2017
What idiot called it “asexual” and not “not giving a fuck”?
— Captain Amber (@Captain__Amber) June 1, 2017
what idiot called it the gym and not the body building
— Revolver Ocias (@AlexanderOcias) May 31, 2017
What idiot called it a “man cave” instead of, “I pay the mortgage so I’ll jerk off in any room I want, Denise.”
— Jefferey Rollins (@jeffereyrollins) June 12, 2017
What idiot called it a posthumous album release instead of a decomposition.
— Frøst (@Nick_Frost) June 9, 2017
what idiot called it telangana and not byederabad?
— Shibesh (@lordoftheshibs) May 29, 2017
what idiot called it freedom to eat whatever you want and not khaazaadi
— Shibesh (@lordoftheshibs) May 30, 2017
What idiot called it queefing and not YONIC BOOM
That ones free, you can use that. Don’t have to credit me all the time even— Cuffin’ Joe (@fancylettuce) June 1, 2017
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