Has it ever happened to you that you are just having a normal conversation, but the person in front of you draws a completely absurd meaning out of what you just said? Well, if it has, you would know that it can get pretty frustrating. The situation gets even worse when the concerned person happens to be your parent. Mostly because whatever you do, you just cannot win a debate against a parent. Even if it’s not an argument, they’ll make one out of it.
The problem with most parents is that they seem to speak a language of their own. So, whatever you have to say, they will probably never hear it for what it is. Here are some classic examples for the classic ‘what we say vs what parents hear’ conundrum:
What we say: “Can I go out with my friends for a night out?”
What our parents hear: “Can I go on a wildly dangerous adventure for a couple of months and I might not return as I’m probably going to die there.”
What we say: “I want to be well-settled.”
What our parents hear: “I want to be married ASAP and make babies.”
What we say: “Did you just accidentally put up a Google search as your Facebook status?”
What our parents hear: “*indecipherable jargon*”
What we say: “I’m getting a tattoo/ piercing/ hair-colour”
What our parents hear: “I’m secretly selling drugs.”
What we say: “I haven’t scored well in exams.”
What our parents hear: “I have utterly failed as a human and have wasted all your hard-earned money.”
What we say: “I have a crush on someone.”
What our parents hear: “I have rough, unprotected sex every night, all night.”
What we say: “I want to take a gap year.”
What our parents hear: “I don’t want a career at all.”
What we say: “I can’t talk on the phone right now. I’m busy.”
What our parents hear: “I don’t love you anymore.”
What we say: “I want to study art.”
What our parents hear: “I actually really want to study engineering, but I need a nudge.”
What we say: *doesn’t answer a phone call*
What our parents hear: “I am being brutally murdered right now. Send help by calling everyone you know.”
What we say: “I love you.”
What our parents hear: “I want something from you.”
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