When a young mother in Telangana had to appear for an examination and needed her four-month-old to be looked after, a policeman stepped in. In a picture that has now gone viral, head constable Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, posted at Moosapet police station in Hyderabad, can be seen comforting the crying baby while the mother appeared for the SCTPC (Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables) exam at Boys Junior College, Mahbubnagar on Sunday.
The heartwarming image was tweeted by IPS officer Rema Rajeshwari, who wanted to draw focus to the “human face of cops”. Reportedly, the policeman was posted at the examination centre as part of the security arrangement.
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Head Constable Officer Mujeeb-ur-Rehman (of Moosapet PS) who was on duty for conducting SCTPC exam in Boys Junior College, Mahbubnagar
trying to console a crying baby, whose mother was writing exam inside the hall. #HumanFaceOfCops#Empathy pic.twitter.com/QudRZbAADu— Rema Rajeshwari IPS (@rama_rajeswari) September 30, 2018
Speaking to The News Minute, Rehman said, “I usually see people dropping their spouses or kin at the venue and returning. But this time, the woman candidate appeared at the centre with a four-month-old baby boy, along with her sister-in-law. Since we do not allow any accomplice to stay within the premises of the exam hall, we made them wait outside the school.”
He added, “It was a three-hour long exam. The baby was quiet and played on the girl’s lap for about an hour. But as time passed, the baby started squirming. The woman’s sister-in-law, who would be barely 15 or 16 years old, kept cradling the baby, but to no avail. It was hungry, crying inconsolably and writhing in her lap. The girl clearly had no idea how to manage the toddler.”
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Seeing that no women constables were around, Rehman decided to console the baby as the cries grew louder. Reportedly, Rehman held the baby for about a half-an-hour, finally managing to pacify the child and lulling him to sleep.
According to The Hans India, Rehman has two children of his own — a daughter still in school, and a son who is studying medicine in China. Rehman’s kind gesture in the hour of duty has earned him praises on social media.
this is indeed an inspirational gesture https://t.co/KpMSnzZpqC
— Kunal Sarangi (@Kunalsarangi) September 30, 2018
Salute the honest forces. While there are corrupt officials, its these kind of foot soldiers who step up for nation. They hardly meet ends with their salaries yet bring smiles on public. Face the brunt, stones, weather , pollution on roads, care towards life/death alike. salute
— reachaj (@reachaj1) September 30, 2018
This should be the real face of the Indian Police
— Swaroop Charmling (@GurkhaSwaroop) September 30, 2018
So sweet. That’s humanity and few police man also have it
— Ravindra kumar (@smartchap_no1) September 30, 2018
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