Since the time Prime Minister Narendra announced his decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes and introduced new Rs 2000 and Rs 500 notes, speculations are rife that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will soon come up with new Rs 1000 notes with advanced security features. While it is still not certain if the government will come up with new Rs 1000 notes, pictures of Rs 200 notes are creating a buzz on the social media network.
However, since the government has not given any official confirmation, it is still unclear whether the pictures of Rs 200 notes that are doing rounds on the social media are real or fake. The veracity of the picture cannot be ascertained and the pictures might be photoshopped. The note looks similar to the new Rs 2000 notes except that this one is in blue colour. Apparently, these notes are going to hit the market in the month of June.
Some of the reports suggest that RBI has already proposed the idea to introduce these notes but the Central government is yet to give its approval. “Rs 200 currency note is in the pipeline. But, unless it is notified by the central government, making a dye (block), working on security features and printing process of Rs 200 would not take place. So this time, RBI would implement its plan only after the Centre’s notification,” India Today quoted a source as saying.
Here’s how Twitter reacted after the picture of Rs 200 note surfaced on social media:
You can see 200 Rs note from June in market 🙂
— Pinky (@veekshu_) April 6, 2017
Some applauded the move
Great move by rbi to introduce rs 200 note. Less money less risk.#rs200#RBI
— Neelesh Kumar _ (@neeleshkumar001) April 6, 2017
And some had suggestions…Netaji’s picture on the Rs 200 note instead of Mahatma Gandhi?
Beloved PM Hon’ @narendramodi ji, pls print Netaji’s pic on new Rs 200 note, Gandhi is nt d reason for Independence and you probably know it
— Jothi Krishna (@jothikrrishna) April 5, 2017
Some are keenly waiting for that ‘chip’ in the note
Wil Rs 200 note have that chip?
— PratK (@pratkgupta) April 5, 2017
After RBI announced the new Rs.200 note, we guessed what it will look like.
— East India Comedy (@EastIndiaComedy) April 4, 2017
Respected Policy maker, we welcome Rs.200 notes, But it needs some track note on them, its like MICR,
— E. BALARAMANE (@Balaramane) April 5, 2017
Whether it’s fake or not is yet to be decided, but people have already started loving the new note.
Congratulations to All citizens of INDIA for introducing new Note of ₹ 200 in market. Wish you all the best
— SIDDHARTH BAKARIA (@sidbakaria) April 6, 2017
@sidbakaria Thumb up 100% new note of RS 200
— Rakesh Bhatia (@RakeshB81824617) April 6, 2017
Oh wait! This one is not in just one colour. You have options to choose from as well
RBI's introducing a new 200 rupee note
Coming soon…#RBI— Yugandhar Parasa (@pypavankumar) April 4, 2017
Some of them have put forth their preferences as well
Modi ji we need a 200 rupee note note in parrot green navy blue and saffron red mixed colouerd 200 rupee note we are politely requesting sir
— Jayapradeep (@Jayapra04888727) April 5, 2017
We are eagerly waiting to get our hands on these notes. Make it quick plisss!
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