Tanmay Bhat’s instructor reveals what it took for the comedian to lose 110 kgs in inspirational Instagram post

Tanmay Bhat is now a lot fitter and is working towards his goal slowly and steadily.

Tanmay Bhat’s instructor reveals what it took for the comedian to lose 110 kgs in inspirational Instagram post

Tanmay Bhat of AIB fame has been known for his brilliant sense of humour, his wit and his confidence. While we all noticed his new and a lot slimmer avatar, nobody ever knew how he did it. Just like we did not know how he manages to crack jokes on others and himself with such panache. Unlike most celebs who take to social media with every inch they lose, Bhat lost over 110 kgs without a single detail being made public. Until, now.

Bhat’s fitness instructor, Ranveer Allahabadia, who saw him get 110 kgs lighter thanks to his grit and determination has now taken to Instagram to share this success story with all us fans. The fitness YouTuber has been the brain behind Bhat’s drastic weight loss and his post will tell you how this has taken oodles of patience. With a before-after picture, Ranveer shared his friend’s success story and sounded very proud of Bhat’s achievement.

My brother @tanmaybhat lost 110+ kilos by following FITNESS SCIENCE. I’ve witnessed this beast transform from a walking heart attack to the chicken breast fuelled strong mofo that he is today. Everyone knows what he’s accomplished. What people don’t know is the science that’s gone into his weight loss journey. Points to be noted :- 1)He went on a gradual caloric deficit. Cut calories VERY gradually – cut about 200/day every week. Eg.Week 1- 3000/day Week 2 – 2800/day Week 3 – 2600/day You should NEVER crash diet unless you want to lose muscle. 2)Went on a high protein diet (backed by heavy amounts of hydration). He’s 6’3 and was consuming between 180-220 grams of protein every day. Overweight people can build muscle even in a caloric deficit, IF they eat a lot of protein. Burn fat + build muscle together. 3)Lifted like a beast. Deadlifts, squats, bench presses, overhead presses. Its amazing what heavy lifting can do for a human being’s body. Unfortunately India still believes that weight training is unhealthy. This man is a living, breathing example of the power of weights. 4)Took up Keto in bursts. Gave him the occasional weight loss boost. Most of the time, my boy was following the above guidelines. That is all. There is no secret to burning fat. Tanmay is not satisfied with where he’s at yet. Knowing how driven he is, I am sure he will achieve his end goal. I helped him with a part of his journey & now he’s hustling by himself. I don’t train people any more because I wanted to dedicate more time to my YouTube channel. Wanted to help more than just 6-8 people in a day. Youtube gives me that platform! The biggest advantage of living in 2017 is that your voice can reach out to every corner of the world. Fitness guidance and education should be FREE for all. The exact weight loss coaching plan that I used with Tanmay, is now live on my YouTube channel : Link in bio Written diet plan : Search for BBSummer on YouTube. The exact same diet plan that Tanmay followed to get to his goals. What is your excuse?

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Ranveer spoke fondly of Tanmay’s achievement and described the magnitude of his transformation when he wrote,

“My brother @tanmaybhat lost 110+ kilos by following FITNESS SCIENCE.

I’ve witnessed this beast transform from a walking heart attack to the chicken breast fuelled strong mofo that he is today.

Everyone knows what he’s accomplished. What people don’t know is the science that’s gone into his weight loss journey.You should NEVER crash diet unless you want to lose muscle.”


That’s Ranveer Allahabadia for you.


BIG, BIG, BIG love to you all! 20k strong #BBArmy on Instagram __ Hope you folks have the best weekend_ PC : @through_the_glass_eye

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Nothing apart from hardwork helped Bhat achieve his goal and we are glad his instructor made a point about how crash-diets are not the answer to anything. Kudos to Bhat and Ranveer!

Are you inspired to hit the gym or the jogging track yet?