Technology has made our lives easier than ever before. It has not only shortened the distance between people, allowing them to communicate with their friends and family living time-zones apart in a matter of seconds, but it has also given people unlimited access to information. While modern technology has proved to be the greatest boon for mankind, on the flipside it has also had a negative impact on our health. The overuse of these gizmos and gadgets has proved to be a breeding ground for a number of physical and mental conditions.
So here are 10 diseases that highlight the dark side of the use of modern technology:
Using smartphone (Photo: Pixabay)
It is a psychological disorder in which an individual tries to fill in any momentary gap in social stimulus by using their smartphone. Consider this, you are out on a dinner with a friend and your friend leaves the table momentarily. Instead of simply waiting for your friend, you reach out to your phone to fill in the temporary void.
Social Media addiction (Photo: Pixabay)
Also known as digital bingeing, dingeing is a brief but intense and compulsive period of re-acquaintance with a gadget after being separated for a couple of hours or even days. For reference, it’s like being able to smoke a cigarette after day-long delay.
Info addiction (Photo: Pixabay)
It’s a psychological condition wherein an individual has a compulsive need to consume news, social media streams and other sources of digital information. It is usually coupled with a condition called info-craving, which is a need to consume more information.
News Goggle (Photo: Pixabay)
In case you’re wondering, it’s not a sunglass. News Goggles is a psychological disorder wherein individual surveys the world events (mostly news) without having an emotional response to it. It involves evaluating the events based on their shareability.
Tired (Photo: Flickr)
It’s a psycho-neurological condition wherein the body parts used for consuming information (eg: eyes, brain, and ears) feel overloaded. It is usually accompanied with headaches.
Using Smartphones (Photo: Pixabay)
It’s a medical condition that arises due to excessive use of devices like laptops, smartphones, tablets and gaming consoles. It causes stiffness and pain in the thumb and even the entire wrist. If untreated, it can cause a tear in the muscles and tendons.
Neck Pain (Photo: Flickr)
It’s a term used to describe the neck ache and damage sustained from looking down on your laptop or smartphones for a prolonged period of time. It’s usually accompanied by stiffness and can also cause migraines.
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Eye Diseases (Photo: Flickr)
It’s a condition that arises from staring at a display screen for a prolonged period of time without taking any breaks. The symptoms include blurred vision, headaches, neck pain, dry eyes, irritated eyes, dizziness, headaches, difficulty in focusing and even vertigo.
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Impact of technology (Photo: Flickr)
It’s a condition wherein the median nerve, that passes through the palm, gets compressed. Its symptoms include pain and tingling in the thumb, middle finger and the index finger.
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Sleeping disorder (Photo: Pixabay)
Excessive use of cellphones causes sleeping disorders wherein individuals find it difficult to sleep at night. Excessive use of these gadgets restricts the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep cycle, which indeed keeps your brain alert for a longer period of time making it difficult for you to fall asleep.
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