Tech giant Apple on Wednesday launched its flagship device iPhone 7 in a brand new colour– red. The new colour is perky and marks a stark diversion from the colour scheme that the company has been following over the years. Though this is not for the first time that Apple products have debuted in peppy shades (remember iPod Nano?), iPhone 7 marks the first time that the company is offering its smartphone with a red chassis.
The interesting question here is why did Apple choose the colour Red? Why not some other shade including Pink or Blue that have been used by the company in its other products?
Well, the answer is fairly simple!
The vibrant new iPhone has been launched in recognition of over 10 years of partnership between Apple and (RED), which is a global fund that supports people, researchers and businesses working in the field of AIDS awareness. “Since we began working with (RED) 10 years ago, our customers have made a significant impact in fighting the spread of AIDS through the purchase of our products, from the original iPod nano (PRODUCT)RED Special Edition all the way to today’s lineup of Beats products and accessories for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a statement.
ALSO READ: How Apple plans to topple Samsung Galaxy S8 sales with its new iPhone 7 red
The special edition iPhone will be available for sales via Apple Stores and online ordering worldwide from March 24, 2017 in over 40 countries including Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK and United Arab Emirates. However, people in countries including India, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Turkey will have to wait until April to get their hands on this limited edition model.
ALSO READ: These devices that will make you love your iPhone 7 again!
iPhone 7 runs on iOS 10 and is powered by A10 Fusion chipset. The smartphones features a 12MP rear camera along with 7MP face-time camera. The 4.7-inch display of iPhone 7 is protected by IP67 water and dust resistant technology and has a fingerprint sensor built into the home button.
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