After unveiling OnePlus 5 at a global launch event earlier this week, Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus on Thursday launched its flagship smartphone in India. The phone has been introduced at a starting price of Rs 32,999 and it will be available exclusively via Amazon India in a flash sale starting on June 22, 2017.
To give you a brief summary of the specifications, OnePlus 5 features a 5.5-inch optic AMOLED display along with 2.5D glass. The phone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 system on chip (SoC) and runs on Oxygen OS which is based on Android 7.1.1 Nougat. It is available in two memory variants– 6GB RAM with 64GB memory and 8GB RAM with 128GB memory. OnePlus 5 sports a giant 16MP + 20MP rear camera along with a 16MP front camera and it is backed by a 3,300 mAh battery.
While the 6GB RAM variant with 64GB memory is priced at Rs 32,999, the 8GB RAM variant with 128GB memory is available for Rs 37,999.
ALSO READ: OnePlus 5 review: Pocket-friendly competitor of Samsung Galaxy S8, Apple iPhone 7
As mentioned earlier, the phone will be available exclusively via Amazon India before it hits the offline retail stores next week. Interested buyers can buy the phone by paying a monthly EMI of Rs 1,568. SBI card holders can avail Rs 1,500 cashback on using their debit and debit cards. Apart from this, Kindle users will get Rs 500 promotion credit on logging on their Kindle accounts from their OnePlus 5 smartphones. While Vodafone users will get up to 75 GB data free for 3 months, Amazon Prime users can also get Rs 250 as Amazon Pay Balance on streaming prime video from their Prime video apps.
ALSO READ: OnePlus launches OnePlus 5 smartphone; check out price and specs here
OnePlus 5 will also be available via OnePlus Stores and OnePlus Experience Stores in Delhi and Bengaluru from June 27, 2017.
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