There has been a lot of buzz on the social media on the issue of Internet surveillance. Tech giants including WhatsApp and Apple have added layers on encryption on their services to ensure that hackers and governments alike don’t snoop into the private data of their customers. While Google and Facebook have been accused of extensive surveillance, these tech mammoths have repeatedly denied all such allegations.
Even so, do you know Google keeps a track of all every website that you visit?
This includes details like the apps that you have used, your location history, device information, audio activity, your YouTube history and even the YouTube videos that you have watched. Shocked??
Google’s My Activity page all the shocking details about your browsing history. And if you happen to use Google Chrome as your web browser, you will get details of every single website that you have ever visited categorised by date and time. This can be quite useful in some cases, especially when you are looking for a web page, whose address you have lost, or when you are trying to jog your memory regarding some interesting video that you watched.
ALSO READ: 15 Mind boggling questions asked in Google interviews
Don’t panic! Google uses this to understand the kind of advertisements that will appeal to individual users. However, if you don’t want Google to keep a track of your web history, you can always turn it off. All you need to do is visit the Activity Controls page and turn off the data collection feature.
ALSO READ: Google is killing instant search and we are heartbroken
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