Flipkart is celebrating Father’s Day in a unique way. The e-retail website is marking the day by offering the 16GB variant of Apple’s flagship device iPhone 6 at a mysterious price of Rs 2_,999. The special offer will begin on June 8, 2017, and will go on until June 10, 2017. Interestingly, iPhone 6 is already available with a discount of 32 percent on Flipkart. The offer is expected to bring down the price further.
At present, the 16GB Space Grey variant of iPhone 6 is available for Rs 24,990. Interested buyers can also avail a massive discount of Rs 15,000 on exchanging their old smartphones with a new iPhone 6. Apart from this, the e-retailer is also offering 15 percent discount on the purchase of the 32GB Space Grey variant of iPhone 6. It is now available at a reduced price of Rs 25,999 on the website.
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But that’s not it as the e-retailer is also offering a massive discount on the purchase of iPhone 6s. The 32GB variant of the smartphone is available with a discount of 25 percent at Rs 35,999 instead of Rs 47,999. Customers can also avail a discount of Rs 15,000 on the exchange offer.
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To recall, Apple had launched iPhone 6 back in 2014. The phone is powered by Apple’s A8 chipset and runs on iOS 9. The phone features 4.7-inch Retina HD display and is available in three memory variants– 16GB, 32 GB and 64GB. It features an 8MP rear camera and 1.2MP primary camera and has 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, NFC and Bluetooth for connectivity.
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