Chinese smartphone maker Gionee on Tuesday launched the Virat Kohli signature edition of its flagship device Gionee A1 in India. Priced at Rs 19,999 the phone features Kohli’s signature on the back and it will be exclusively available on Amazon India starting 12 PM on June 27, 2017. You can also pre-order the phone on the company’s official website and on Amazon India.
Interested buyers who opt to purchase the limited edition smartphone via pre-orders on would get a Sennheiser headphone absolutely free. Additionally, customers can also get up to Rs 1,280 as Amazon Pay balance on using Amazon Pay. But that’s not it as Amazon is offering additional Rs 2,000 off on exchanging their old smartphone with the new signature edition smartphone. Also, Vodafone users will get 45GB data free for 5 months on purchasing Gionee A1 Virat Kohli signed edition smartphone.
Gionee A1 Virat Kohli signature edition smartphone features a 5.5-inch full HD 2.5D glass display. The phone has been forged out of aircraft-grade metal and comes with a fingerprint scanner that has been placed on the back side of the phone under the camera.
The phone is powered by 2 GHz octa-core MediaTek Helio P10 processor and runs on Android 7.0 Nougat with Amigo 4.0 skin. It sports 4GB RAM and 64GB internal memory that can be expanded up to 256GB via a microSD card. In terms of the camera, the phone comes with a 13MP rear camera and a 16MP selfie camera with Bokeh effect and selfie flash. It is backed by a 4,010 mAh battery with a standby time of 400 hours of standby time. In terms of connectivity, the phone supports VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS.
ALSO READ: Sachin Tendulkar launches smartphone in India
This is not the first time that a smartphone has been named after a sportsman. Earlier, Smartron launched its Sachin Tendulkar branded smartphone in India in May 2017. The phone sports 4GB RAM and is available in two memory variants– 32GB and 64GB. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8976 octa-core processor and runs on Android 7.0 Nougat.
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