Smartphone giant Apple on Tuesday launched iPhone 7 in a brand new colour– red. Even though the company has offered special red cases for its iPhones in the past, this is for the first time that Apple has launched an iPhone with a red chassis. The new phone features a red aluminium finish and is a part of Apple’s partnership with (RED), which is a global fund that helps people suffering from AIDS.
Apple launched iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in September last year. Despite the heightened excitement in the market, the smartphone maker was unable to cash on the frenzy that follows the launch of the iPhone every year. The absence of a headphone jack coupled with the pricey air-pods, that are rather difficult to manage, and lack of new innovative features marked the tipping point wherein a lot of Apple loyalists turned to Android.
Samsung, on the other hand, has been under a lot of pressure following its Galaxy Note 7 debacle that witnessed the Korean giant recalling all its flagship devices from across the globe. The onus of realigning Samsung’s plummeting sales records remains on its upcoming smartphone Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+, that are scheduled to be launched on March 29, 2017.
The two smartphone giants have been locking horns ever since Nokia’s Symbian operating system went down and the Android storm took over the tech world back in 2012 placing Samsung on the top shelf.
ALSO READ: Samsung teases Galaxy S8 concept ahead of launch
Now, as we inch closer to the launch of Samsung Galaxy S8, Apple has unveiled iPhone 7 in a brand new peppy colour that is a sight for the sore eyes. The colour not only highlights Apple’s support for the global initiatives but also gives insights into the company’s strategy to lure younger audience and keep its loyalists from switching over to Samsung (which BTW is its biggest competitor) at a time when it is about to unveil its most advanced smartphone ever. The iPhone will be available for sales online and in stores from March 24, which is just five days ahead of the launch of Samsung Galaxy S8.
ALSO READ: Will Apple’s iPhone 8 will be called ‘iPhone Edition’?
The timing is of the essence as the new iPhone would shift the tide back towards Apple stealing the limelight from Samsung, which is banking on its upcoming launch. The new launch coupled with the decreased iPad prices would keep the customers hooked to Apple even as the reports of the tech giant delaying the launch of iPhone 8 surface on the social media.
Will Apple win this bout or will Samsung manage to turn around its fate– is something that we will get to know in the coming weeks. Till then stay tight and enjoy the view!
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