Delhi Police has arrested a 21-year-old man from Delhi for duping e-commerce website Amazon India. The accused, who has been identified as Shivam Chopra, allegedly ordered nearly 166 expensive phones from Amazon India between April to May this year and got refunds worth nearly Rs 50 lakh claiming that he had received an empty box.
The police have arrested Chopra and his accomplice Sachin Jain, 38, a telecom operator residing near his house for supplying nearly 140 pre-activated SIM-cards to the former to place orders in different names to dupe the e-commerce website. The police have recovered 19 mobile phones, 12 lakhs in cash and 40 bank passbooks and cheques from the house of Chopra who resides in the Tri Nagar area of Delhi.
It all began in March this year when Chopra, who has done a course in hotel management ended up without a job. He ordered two phones as a test and got a refund for it. He spent following two months ordering phones from companies like Samsung, OnePlus and Apple and seeking a refund for the same. He would sell the phones at other online platforms or at Gaffar Market in Delhi’s Karol Bagh area.
Amazon India lodged a complaint in June this year alleging that an order for a total of 166 mobile phones had been placed this year by the accused, who would use gift cards to pay for the same. He would later claim refunds alleging that the boxes that he received were empty.
According to the reports, the accused would give a false address in the locality in which he resided. He would then ask the delivery person to meet him at another place or a shop to receive his order, following which he would call Amazon India customer care to make his claims.
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Delhi Police registered a case in August this year after months of investigation.
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