Indian Express online on Wednesday launched the revamped version of its app introducing a new feature as a part of the update. The renowned media house has introduced a first-of-its-kind text-to-speech feature as a part of its app revamp allowing the users to listen to the news of their choice instead of just reading it conventionally. The feature is unique to and is not available in any other news app in India yet.
However, this is not the only feature that has been introduced as a part of the revamp. The latest version of the app also includes an all-new ‘card + swipe’ layout feature that would allow users check out multiple news headlines with every swipe. This would not only enable better performance and content discovery but would also enhance the overall user experience on the IE app through a seamless and an uncluttered interface.
“We are working on constant innovation for making the news consumption experience better for our users. The new app UI will be the best among all the available news apps. The card based layout and clean UI will give users a clean reading environment. The other key feature is the “text to speech” feature, wherein users can listen to the story as well. The feature will be consistently enhanced in the future updates as we are working hard on voice-related technology to make sure users get the best experience,” Indian Express Digital CEO Sandeep Amar said on the occasion.
The revamp highlights Indian Express’ commitment to using state-of-the-art technology to redefine news consumption for tech-savvy people and bringing world-class products for the Indian audiences.
Ranked No. 2 in both ‘mobile’ and ‘desktop+mobile’ categories in the Indian online news media sector thanks to the impressive performance of its various digital offerings, the Indian Express Group has aggressively scaled up its technological aspect in the past few months. The brand recently launched InUth, a youth-centric portal, Techook, India’s first stack-based platform for tech gadgets, and re-entered the South Indian market with
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