Reliance Industries’ chairman Mukesh Ambani on Friday announced the launch of Jio’s first 4G LTE enabled feature phone– Jio Phone– at the company 40th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Mumbai. The phone dubbed as the “India ka smartphone” will be available to the beta testers from August 15, 2017, and will be open for pre-booking on starting August 24, 2017. The company will start delivering the smartphone on first come first serve basis from September this year.
How can I get my hands on a Jio Phone?
Visit and click on ‘Keep me posted’ option. Now fill in your details like name, email and your phone number on the form to register your interest in buying the Jio Phone. Once you have registered your request, you will get an acknowledgement email (or an SMS). Here’s what the email states:
Greetings from Jio!
Thank you for your interest. We have received your details and our team will contact you shortly.
Thank You,
Team Jio
Now all you have to do is sit tight and wait.
So, what are the features of the Jio Phone?
ALSO READ: Mukesh Ambani launches Jio Phone in Mumbai for ‘Rs 0’
Jio Phone features a 2.4-inch QVGA display and comes with an alphanumeric keypad. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 205 processor and supports 22 Indian languages, which can be used to communicate with the phone via voice commands. Apart from 4G connectivity, Jio Phone features FM Radio and it will get NFC connectivity later this year. You can also connect Jio Phone to your TV using a Jio Phone TV cable. The phone is also fully equipped to make UPI-based payments.
ALSO READ: Reliance Jio launches Jio Phone; check out the price, specs here
How much does Jio Phone cost?
Jio Phone comes with an effective pricing of Rs 0. However, users will have to make a security deposit of Rs 1,500 at the time of buying the phone. This sum will be fully refunded at the end of 3 years.
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