Reliance Jio stormed the Indian telecom sector by launching its services at lucrative prices in India. The newbie telecom operator not only offered data plans and voice calls at nominal prices but also offered free services to all its users as a part of its various packs and plans. After an extended period of enjoying its complimentary services, Jio’s Summer Surprise offer and Dhan Dhana Dhan offer will come to end this month for many users, who might be wondering how to keep the SIM working?
Here’s a break-up of what would happen next:
Jio Summer Surprise offer
Jio’s Summer Surprise offer offered all Jio Prime subscribers 3 months of complimentary services along with a recharge of Rs 303 or higher. If you had opted for the offer in April, the expiry date of the plan should be around the corner.
Suppose you purchased a pack of Rs 99 after opting for the summer surprise offer. After the 3 months of complimentary services end, the recharge of Rs 303 will kick in, which will be valid till July 28. After that, the recharge of Rs 99 will kick in automatically. Once that you will have to opt for monthly recharge plans to keep your Jio SIM card working.
ALSO READ: Reliance Jio withdraws ‘summer surprise offer’. Here are 3 things you should know
Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan offer
Jio launched its Dhan Dhana Dhan offer back in April. As a part of the offer, the company offered its service for three months at the cost of one. So, for a recharge of Rs 309, Jio Prime users would get 1GB data per day with unlimited SMS and unlimited free voice data.
AlSO READ: All you need to know about Reliance Jio’s ‘Dhan Dhana Dhan’ tariff plan
Suppose you opted for the offer back on April 15, the plan would expire on July 15, after which you will have to purchase regular data plans to keep your Jio SIM working.
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