Reliance Jio users have another reason to celebrate now. After being showered with lucrative offers like ‘Dhan Dhana Dhan’ and ‘Summer Surprise’, Jio users will now be able to avail a discount of 15 percent on their domestic and international travel on Air Asia.
According to a report by the Financial Express, Jio users can avail this discount by using Air Asia’s mobile app to book their tickets from June 20, 2017, to September 30, 2017. The report further states that the Malaysian airliner is working on the modalities and the company would launch the offer in 2-3 days.
Furthermore, the report suggests that the company is planning to offer similar offers regarding travel and hospitality to all its users.
ALSO READ: All you need to know about Reliance Jio’s ‘Dhan Dhana Dhan’ tariff plan
Meanwhile, the company has come up with a new plan– Vivo Jio Cricket Mania after launching ts ‘Dhan Dhana Dhan’ offer earlier this month. As a part of the new offer, Jio subscribers who are using a Viv0 smartphone can get up to 168 GB free 4G data, which will work on top of the existing plans that the user has availed to. To participate in the offer, all you need to do is select your favourite team on or before May 10, 2017. The additional data will be automatically credited to your account as your team wins, loses or even draws a match.
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