Smartron on Wednesday launched its Sachin Tendulkar branded smartphone —, in India. The phone was launched by Tendulkar at a special event in New Delhi. It is the first product by the company as a part of its signature series centred around the legendary cricketer and it will be available exclusively on Flipkart.
According to the details listed on the e-commerce website, Smartron smartphone is available in two memory variants– 32GB and 64GB and is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8976 octa-core processor. It runs on Android 7.0 Nougat, sports 4GB RAM and ‘unlimited cloud access’. The phone also features quick charge technology. The company claims of having the ‘best thermal management’ in the market.
As far as the camera is concerned, smartphone features a 13MP rear camera and a 5MP wide-angle selfie camera that has been optimised for low-light situations. The phone comes with a 5.5-inch full HD IPS display which is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection.
In terms of connectivity, the dual-SIM smartphone features 4G VOLTE, 3G, 2G, Bluetooth v4.1, Wi-Fi v802.11, NFC, GPS and FM radio. The phone is powered by a 3,000 mAh battery and supports the ‘fastest fingerprint sensor’, accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor and a digital compass.
Talking about the pricing, while the 32GB variant is available for Rs 12,999, the 64GB variant is available for Rs 13,999. As a part of the launch offer, the company is giving Rs 1,500 off on exchange of an old phone. Apart from this, the company is also offering signature Sachin bat covers free along with a 2 year extended warranty.
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