Samsung electronic on Wednesday launched its J-series smartphones Galaxy J7 Max and Galaxy J7 Pro in India. While Galaxy J7 Max is priced at Rs 17,900 and it will be available in the market starting June 20, Galaxy J7 Pro is priced at Rs 20,900 and it will hit the stores mid-July onwards. As a part of its launch offer, the company is offering up to Rs 800 cash back on transactions made through Paytm and UPI. Additionally, Reliance Jio users will get 120GB extra data on purchase of the smartphones.
Making its way to Samsung’s new J-series smartphones is Mini Pay, which is essentially a simpler version of Samsung Pay. The payment app works with mobile wallets and UPI and has been designed to work on Android Lollipop and above.
Both the smartphones are available in two colour variants– Black and Gold and come with features like Pay Mini, S Bike and S Power.
Galaxy J7 Pro is powered by a 1.6 GHz octa-core MediaTek processor and runs on Android 7.0 Nougat. The phone sports 3GB RAM and 32 GB internal memory that can be expanded up to 256 GB via a microSD card. It is backed by a 3,300 mAh battery and comes with a 13MP rear camera and a 13 MP front camera with flash. In terms of design, Galaxy J7 Max sports a 5.7-inch full HD Super AMOLED display with a metal unibody design.
Galaxy J7 Pro, on the other hand, is powered by a 1.6 GHz octa-core Exynos processor and runs on Android 7.0 Nougat. The phone sports 3GB RAM and 64 GB internal memory that can be expanded up to 128 GB via a microSD card. The phone is backed by a 3,600 mAh battery and comes with a 13MP rear camera and a 13 MP front camera. As far as the design is concerned, Galaxy J7 Pro sports a 5.5-inch full HD Super AMOLED display with a metal unibody design.
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