Korean electronics giant Samsung is expected to launch Galaxy Tab S3 in India today. The company is hosting a special event in Bengaluru where it is expected to announce the price and availability of Tab S3 in the country. The device is a successor to Galaxy Tab S2 that was launched in India back in 2015. To recall, Samsung had first unveiled Galaxy Tab S3 at Mobile World Congress 2017 (MWC 2017) that was held in February this year and now the phone is about to make its way to India.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 sports a 9.7-inch AMOLED QXGA display with a resolution of 1536×2048 pixels. The device features an all-new glass design which gives it a classy look.
In terms of the specifications, Galaxy Tab S3 features Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 system on chip (SoC), which is nearly 18 times faster than its previous model. It runs on Android 7.0 Nougat and comes with 4GB RAM and 32GB internal memory that can be expanded up to 256GB via a microSD slot. In terms of the camera, the phone features a 13MP primary camera with autofocus and LED flash and a 5MP secondary camera.
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The tab features a quad-speaker system which gives it high-quality AKG sound. Apart from this, Tab S3 comes with the Galaxy Game Launcher that offers power saver mode, mute games and ongoing calls mode along with exciting graphics. It has Wi-Fi 802.11, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS and USB 3.1 for connectivity and it is backed by a gigantic 6,000 mAh battery. It is available in two colour variants– Black and Silver. Tab S3 comes with S Pen stylus that features a 0.7mm tip.
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