Microsoft India launched the Skype Lite for the Indian market back in February this year. And now the company has introduced a new Aadhaar integration feature that allows users to verify the identity of the caller using the Aadhaar card. The update is available across the country on the latest version of the app.
For those of you who are unsure, Skype Lite is a fast and light-weight version of the Skype app that Microsoft designed especially for the Indian market. The app has been custom made for the low-end Android smartphones in India and it supports seven other languages including Hindi, Urdu, Telugu, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, apart from English.
“For example, you may wish to make a Skype Lite call to an important business client or government representative – by using Aadhaar, both parties can verify their identity at the beginning of the call to prevent impersonation fraud,” Microsoft India wrote in a blog.
So how does this work?
Firstly, either of the people in the conversation– the caller or the receiver– can request Aadhaar verification over a video call on the Skype Lite app. To verify your identity using the Aadhaar number follow these steps:
Step 1: Click on ‘Verify Aadhaar identity’
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Step 2: Accept the terms and conditions of Aadhaar verification
Step 3: Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number
Step 4: Authenticate with an OTP that will be sent via SMS
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Once your ID has been verified, you can choose to share the pre-selected information with the other person. However, the company won’t be saving any Aadhaar information and the entire communication will take place through an encrypted network.
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