After taking the telecom industry in India by storm with its affordable Jio 4G services and LYF smartphones, telecom giant Reliance has decided to create a stir in the Direct to Home (DTH) space as well. The company is planning to launch its DTH services across the nation soon. And ahead of the launch, the images of the Reliance Jio IPTV set-top have been leaked on the social media.
The story was broken by Candy Tech, that also shared the images of Jio IPTv set-top box. The leaked images show a black set-top box with Jio logo on the top right corner of the box. The set-top box comes in a blue box with Jio Digital Life logo on top.
As far as the features are concerned, the leaked images show that the set-top box comes with an HDMI port, a USB port and an RJ-45 ethernet port, which connects to a modem, offering Jio users high-speed broadband services. Though there is no word on the sort of plans that the company might offer as a part of its introductory offer, however, rumours suggest that Jio IPTv might offer free services for 3-6 months to lure more users to subscribe to its services.
The reports further suggest that the company will offer over 300 channels, out of which at least 50 channels will be in HD.
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This is not for the first time that the images of the Jio set-top box have surfaced on the social media. The images leaked earlier show a circular set-top box with a remote control. The remote also featured mic-control suggesting that the users will be able to use voice commands to control the Jio IPTv.
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