US-based cab aggregator Uber on Tuesday launched its on-demand food delivery service UberEATS in India. The service is initially available in Mumbai only. However, the company plans to extend its services to six cities by the end of this year. With its Mumbai launch, UberEATS is now providing its services in 78 major cities including Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, London, Moscow, New York, San Francisco, Sydney, across 26 nations.
“We’ve been cooking up something new – an app that makes getting great food as easy as pushing a button. It’s our new food delivery service, and it’s called UberEATS,” Bhavik Rathod, Head of UberEATS India, wrote in a blog post.
The company has partnered with over 200 restaurants in Mumbai, which include notable places like The Bombay Canteen, Nom Nom, The Good Wife, Fresh Menu, Le 15 and Coffee by Di Bella, among others. At the time of its launch, the company is accepting payment only from Paytm (so you might want to recharge your mobile wallets). Users will be able to order food 7 days a week, round the clock through the app, which can be downloaded from Google Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS platforms.
Uber is not the first app that has ventured into the food delivery sector in India. Cab aggregator Ola had launched Ola Cafe back in 2015. However, the company shut down its services a year after its launch.
ALSO READ: Google launches food delivery, home services app in India
Also, tech giant Google launched Google Areo in India last month. The service is already active in Mumbai and Bengaluru and provides services like electrician, plumber, and painter apart from food delivery services.
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