Facebook-owned popular social messaging app WhatsApp has finally rolled out it’s much awaited ‘pinned chats’ feature for all its Android users. Earlier this month, the company rolled out the update on the beta version of its Android app, and now the update is available for download on the Google Play Store.
WhatsApp’s ‘pinned chat’ feature lets you pin their favourite chats on the top of the app. Users can pin up to three chats on WhatsApp and the feature works both for the group chats and individual chats.
How can I pin a chat on WhatsApp?
Well, pinning a chat on the app is really simple. All you have do is long hold the chat you want to pin and tap on the pin icon that appears along with the delete, archive and mute option.
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How can I ‘un-pin’ a chat on WhatsApp?
Unpinning a chat is as simple as pinning the chat. All you need to do is long hold the pinned chat and tap on the un-pin option that appears on top of the app.
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The company has released the feature only for the Android users and there’s no word on when the company will release the update for the iOS platform (sorry iPhone users!). But given that WhatsApp has released the update for Android, an update for iOS shouldn’t be far behind. Till then, the Android users can pin their most important chats on the top and avoid messing up their conversations.
Happy WhatsApp-ing folks!
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