Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi on Tuesday launched its flagship device Xiaomi Redmi 4 smartphone in India. The phone will be available exclusively via e-commerce website Amazon India starting 2 PM today. The phone will be available in three RAM variants. While the phone with 2GB RAM with 16GB internal memory is priced at Rs 6,999; the variant with 3GB RAM and 32GB internal memory is available for Rs 8,999 and the device with 4GB RAM and 64GB internal memory is available for Rs 10,999. The internal memory of the phone can be expanded up to 128GB via a microSD card.
As far as the specifications are concerned, in the heart of Xiaomi Redmi 4 lies the octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 435 SoC. The phone runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and comes with MIUI 8 skin. Redmi 4 comes with 5-inch HD display that is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass protection. The display of the device supports night display and reading mode for easy reading during the night time. It comes with an ultra-fast unlocking fingerprint scanner that is placed on the rear side of the phone.
The phone features a 13MP rear camera with 5-element lens and PDAF support and a 5MP front camera with 36 smart beauty profiles and face-recognition system.
ALSO READ: Xiaomi unveils Mi6 with dual-camera, Snapdragon 835 processor and it looks amazing
The device comes with a hybrid slot that can house either a nano-SIM, a micro-SIM or a microSD card. In terms of connectivity, the phone supports 4G LTE, dual-band Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS and infrared. It comes with a 4,100 mAh battery and is available in two colour variants– gold and black.
The company also launched Mi Router 3C at the event. Router 3C comes with a 300Mbps transmission speed and can support up to 64 devices at a time. It features an 80-metre range and is priced at Rs 1,199.
Announcing Mi Router 3C! 1 App, 4 Antennas, 64 Connections to completely revolutionize the router market and it looks beautiful! #MiRouter3C
— Mi India (@XiaomiIndia) May 16, 2017
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