Xiaomi has unveiled yet another stunning gadget out of their Pandora’s box as they have announced Redmi Note 4X smartphone in China. According to The Indian Express report, the Chinese smartphone giant has released the machine in five colour options – Champagne Gold, Cherry Powder, Platinum Silver Grey, Matte Black while the fifth variant is green coloured special edition which is called ‘Hatsune Miku’. All the five variants will go on sale on Valentine’s day, but in ‘limited quantities’ only.
However, the prices of these upcoming phones have not yet been revealed while the company might disclose the value of the Hatsune Miku colour variant will be declared on the day of the sale itself. Also, the phone makers have collaborated with a Japanese firm Crypton Future Media for this colour option. As of now, around 578,672 people have already registered for ‘Hatsune Miku’ colour variant’s sale.
To make the launch more happening, Xiaomi will be gifting 100 Redmi Note 4X smartphones to the lucky winners of a ‘Valentine’s Day challenge’ in China.
Let’s have a look at the specifications of the new brainchild of Xiaomi:
Screen: Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X features a full HD (1920×1080) 5.5-inch screen display which provides amazing experience while operating the phone or watching videos.
Processor: Redmi Note 4X is supercharged by Snapdragon 625, an octa-core processor chip that uses the most advanced 14nm FinFET technology. It is the same as on the Redmi Note 4 that just launched in India.
Camera: Redmi Note 4x houses a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front camera to give you stunning images even in low light.
Battery: The phone carries a powerhouse of 4100 mAh lithium ion battery which that keeps you connected all day.
The phone dons a fingerprint scanner at the back. However, the RAM and ROM of the device hasn’t revealed but it is being expected that it will be loaded with a 4GB RAM. If the specifications are evaluated, Redmi Note 4x is exactly the same as the Redmi Note 4, which was introduced in India. The basic difference is, Redmi Note 4 came with a MediaTek Helio X20 deca-core SoC in China while the Indian market got a Snapdragon 625 variant of Redmi Note 4.
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