Books do different things to different people. To some the smell of new books makes their day a lot brighter, while to others a quote in the book sends tingles down their spine. Some become iconic while others get lost in obscurity, but rarely would you find a human being to whom a book does nothing.
The bookworms among us could spend days together with frequent cups of coffee and a book and could label days of the sort as the best days of their life. Those of you into both Instagram and books would know of the several hashtags related to books that do the rounds. Don’t the photos and aesthetics in some of those accounts and their posts make you crave for new books or make you wish you could take a day off to re-arrange your book shelf? Well, that’s exactly the kind of sentiment we are looking to produce inside of you as well.
While bringing the smell of new books to you via technology is a distant dream right now, these Instagram photos could give you serious ‘Bookworm Goals’, if there’s anything of the sort.
From ‘Harry Potter’ to ‘The Martian’, this one’s got it all. Bonus: The redheads atop the books!
A not-so-organized stack of books sitting next to a half-filled glass, now isn’t that the kind of room our mothers walk into every time the house is left to us?
Carpet drying now They finally came, goddamn Alas, that is juice not wine. _Gimme your best haiku_
A post shared by #bookmaterialityproject (@bookmateriality) on
With a book and delicious food in the same frame, this one’s put us into some serious dilemma.
A post shared by Lexxie Lin (@unconventionalbookviews) on
“You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope”, because this is one of the rare frames with Hunger Games in it.
A post shared by Anna (@thecityofdarkclockwork) on
No book list of any sort is complete with Jane Austen and didn’t we all love Colin Firth as Darcy in Pride and Prejudice?
A post shared by Bluestocking Bookshelf | Jen__ (@bluestockingbookshelf) on
Even books are going green now. Inspired yet human beings?
A post shared by Maxine (@maxines_book_obsession) on
Who needs to think out of the box when the box is full of either chocolates or books?
A post shared by Meredith Mara__ (@meredith.mara) on
World Book Day is around the corner and this very pretty photo is here to greet you in advance.
“We are the inheritors of a wonderful world, a beautiful world, full of life and mystery, goodness and pain”- Wildwood
On an ending note, here’s some book-shelf inspiration.
Inspired enough to add to your book collection?
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