We all know by now how Gurmehar Kaur has suddenly found herself in the middle of quite a stir after her #StudentsAgainstABVP placard holding profile picture. The controversy has skyrocketed so much that Randeep Hooda, Virender Sehwag, Shekhar Gupta, Javed Akhtar are among the few big named who have now become a part of it. With almost everyone chipping in with their opinion on the matter, seems like this social media account too could not keep out of it and is here with a video reply to her Indo-Pak peace video.
This page on Twitter that goes by the name of ‘The INDIAN POLL’ posted a reply to Gurmehar’s peace video where she held placards saying she believed ‘Pakistan did not kill her father, war did’. The reply comes in a clip out of the Hrithik Roshan-Preity Zinta starrer ‘Lakshya’ and features the famous scene where Zinta’s character of a journalist gets slammed for saying how war should not happen and peace needs to prevail.
None among us would disagree to how peace is indeed the need of not just the present time but for all time to come. War must be condemned and fortunately we have come to a time where countries avoid war for simply as long as they can. The point this video makes however is about how soldiers too are not fond of war and resort to it only when there indeed is no other option. After all, it is them who die on the borders when a war begins so no plausible cause why they would look forward to one, right? ?
With over 313 retweets, the video is sure on the way to becoming viral and here’s what it has to say about the whole controversy surrounding the 20-year old.
Superb reply to GurMeher Kaur. Retweet if you like.#GurmeharKaur #GurMehar #ABVP__________ #ABVP #ISupportABVP pic.twitter.com/4R5syjOPNf
— The INDIAN POLL (@TheIndianPoller) February 28, 2017
We cannot decide if this ‘Lakshya’ clip-based video is really a reply to Kaur but surely does make a strong point against people from either wings who make it their agenda to preach peace from behind their computer screens mounted inside, more often than not, lesser disturbed and safe areas. What do you think of this reply? Do tell us.
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