Poetry has a way of working magic with words and expressing the most intricate of emotions at the same time. From love to loss to death, nothing expresses it all better than this form of writing. Anyone who has ever made an attempt at writing a poem can bear testimony to how nothing expresses nuances of life itself better.
March 21 is celebrated as World Poetry Day and was declared by UNESCO in 1999. It is an attempt to promote reading,writing and publishing poetry throughout the world apart from encouraging fresh movements for the growth of poetry. This form of writing has come a long way and evolved into several different forms since its inception. This World Poetry Day, we bring to you five handpicked lines from modern-day poets who spread magic via social media and their keyboard.
Magic is when you live your life the way you didn’t imagine it and leave nothing behind- R.M. Drake
The world gives you so much pain, and here you are making gold out of it- Rupi Kaur
I have been wondering, if love and sanity are the same thing. When I say I am in love I am also saying the world makes sense to me right now. -Neil Hilborn
If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be this: there are many things in life you can postpone but love isn’t one of them.- Lang Leav
Those who remember the song of wild air spend eternity dancing in its breeze.- Eric Hanson
Go read these guys and let them take you to another world with their heartfelt poetry.
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