Celebrated on 1st April, fool’s Day is the time to show your crazy side and play pranks on your friends, colleagues, and family. It’s the day of the year when you can fool others and may not get punished for the same, or might get slapped or fined, but still, the joy it offers is beyond all these reactions. You can use Oreos and some paste or air horn, even soaps or some brownies to make some silly pranks. Here we give some really silly ways to make your friends and colleagues go bonkers. First, check out some jokes that you can use on them:
ALSO READ: April Fool’s Day 2017 pranks, jokes, quotes, images, Facebook status, Whatsapp messages
If you have been thinking to make this April Fool’s day joyful with some humorous pranks, below mentioned list can be of some help.
The Oreo prank: Just replace the cream inside Oreo with plain white toothpaste and let your friends enjoy the taste of the toothpaste in that oops situation.
Air horn prank: Just place an air-horn under a coworker’s chair, then witness the embarrassment he/she faces and the laughter that others experience.
Nail soap prank: Just paint a white soap with some clear nail polish and let your people struggle to use this soap. To know what happens next, watch video below:
Caramel onion prank: If your friend is in love with caramel apple, it’s time to play the prank with his/ her taste buds. Replace the apples with onions and then be prepared to witness the entertainment.
Blind mouse prank: If you have a workaholic colleague, then this prank is what can help you make him/her restless for the day. Just stick a little bit of tape over the laser on the bottom of the mouse and it will stop working.
Word doc prank: Just automatically replace words in documents with hilarious substitutions. Go to AutoCorrect options in tools and then replace some of your colleague’s commonly used words with some hilarious substitutions.
The crawly prank: This prank works best for your female friends. Just get some light crawlers, place them inside the table lamp and see her screaming.
Worm Prank: Collect hundreds of worms and then dump on his head, watch this video to know what happens next.
Funny shower prank: This prank is for your girlfriend or wife.
Brown Es Prank: This is another prank for foodies and specifically for brownie lover. Invite your friends or colleagues by informing that you cooked brownies and then befool them by placing cut out Es on brown paper inside.
My mom made my brother some brownies for breakfast today. #AprilFoolsDay #heloveschocolate pic.twitter.com/FbxCVBDNs2
— Cyerra Magers (@cmagers10) April 1, 2014
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