If you do not get something in one attempt, try, try, try till your privilege shines through. After 15 days of being on Air India’s no-fly list, Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad’s ban has been revoked. Gaikwad had been banned from flying AI after he physically assaulted a 60-year-old staffer 25 times with a slipper, while abusing and threatening him relentlessly.
In the days post the ban, Gaikwad stubbornly kept on trying to book a flight via Air India but his request was repeatedly turned down. He even made a terribly ill-worded, mostly melodramatic speech in the parliament. When even that didn’t turn out in his favour, Gaikwad wrote a letter to Ashok Gajapathi, the Civil Aviation Minister,’regretting’ his actions. Totally normal behaviour, TBH. Nothing even remotely disturbing about rules being bent to accommodate a powerful man.
The only thing to come out of this fiasco is the fact that Gaikwad’s triggered the inner poet of many on Twitter. After Indian economist Bibek Debroy tweeted out a limerick in the loving memory of the AI saga, his followers enthusiastically took it up as a challenge. Here’s the best of the best according to us:
If he has a right to fly
And does truly take to the sky,
Others have a right to know
That he is on the go,
And bid that flight bye bye.— Bibek Debroy (@bibekdebroy) April 7, 2017
Court orders prohibition
States try its circumvention
Making people fear&aware
So that they are beware
Maybe the best solution @bibekdebroy https://t.co/dNXxordPfx— Shashvat Singh (@ShashvatSingh) April 7, 2017
@bibekdebroy Vijay Mallya:
Glad my airline I grounded
Else in Rajya Sabha by Sena would I have been hounded
Scarier than bankers
Are angry Sena senators— Pankaj Vaidya (@PankajVaidya2) April 7, 2017
Acts like an ace
But only brings disgrace.
An apology alone can’t efface.
To bring solace,
The law he must face. https://t.co/ixsK41MKSa— Bhuvan Bagga (@Bhuvanbagga) April 7, 2017
Assaulting a minister, beating the crew,
Is the new Cordon Bleu.
Watch and wait
There is more on the plate,
This is just a prevue.— Bibek Debroy (@bibekdebroy) April 6, 2017
Times have changed,
You would be nailed,
So mend your ways,
Or your sin pays,
Without that you won’t be bailed. https://t.co/UWDPn7fOIe— Shashvat Singh (@ShashvatSingh) April 6, 2017
@bibekdebroy @amitabhk87 He staked his claim well done
But was offered services rare
Howled at the crew ” how dare”
Raised his voice n sandal n was undone— Shashi Menon (@cherukote) April 7, 2017
@bibekdebroy @amitabhk87 He is so well grounded
Wonder why he is not well rounded
By Members and hounded— Shashi Menon (@cherukote) April 7, 2017
@bibekdebroy Right to fly , Right to bully
What happened to his ally
It is a strange sight
to see he has all the rights
citizens rueing their plight— Lalit Advani (@lalitadvani) April 7, 2017
He is a threat
But he only regrets
An apology is what we seek
Or his flying chances are bleak https://t.co/MAelumQtJ5— Somesh Jha (@someshjha7) April 7, 2017
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