Chinese electronics giant Vivo launched its flagship smartphone Vivo V5s in India on April 27, 2017. The phone is an upgraded version of Vivo V5, the smartphone that the company launched last year. The phone comes with a powerful front camera and has been targeted at the ‘selfie generation’. The company has differentiated itself by introducing the “Moonlight Glow” feature in its Vivo V5 and V5 Plus devices, raising the bar for closest Chinese rivals like Oppo and Gionee when it comes to selfie-focused smartphones.
Vivo V5s at Rs 18,990 but before you know how good the phone is, let’s take a look at the specification:
Vivo V5s comes with a 5.5-inch HD display and it runs on Funtouch 3.0, which is based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow. It is fueled by a powerful 3,000 mAh battery.
The device comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage, which can be expanded via a microSD card. The USP of the phone is its 20MP ‘moonlight selfie’ camera that captures perfect images even in the low light conditions.
The phone comes with a ‘smart screen split’ feature that enables the users to use two applications simultaneously.
Here’s what you should know about the phone:
ALSO READ: Vivo launches V5s at Rs 18,990. Know specifications and features here
– The phone has neat looks and the Apple design influences are apparent. One of the great features is the fingerprint sensor which is located on the front, below the display, and works just like Apple’s Touch ID on iPhone, unlocking the device in a jiffy.
– The device runs on Funtouch OS, which is a modified version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. During the review period, the phone was fast and responsive. Playing games like “Asphalt 8: AirBorne” was smooth and social media apps like Instagram and Snapchat worked without hiccups– even while adding filters.
– The “Smart Screen-Split” feature allows users to multitask without having to switch back and forth every time a message pops up. Users can chat and watch videos simultaneously on one screen.
– The camera uses a 20MP sensor similar to the previous V5 series, is fast and has accurate auto-focus speed. In most situations, the device produced sharp pictures.
– The 13MP rear camera is above average in colour reproduction. In darker environments like inside a bar, noise becomes obvious.
– The “Moonlight Glow” feature gives a natural glow to the face, without being a strain on the eyes, and brightens up the selfie irrespective of the lighting conditions.
-The custom Android OS tries very much to copy iOS but is a mess — meaning you get a cluttered control centre. The back of the phone is prone to finger-print smudges.
– Vivo V5s is yet another strong Android smartphone that looks, feels and operates like a flagship mid-price segment device and is certainly a great deal for wallet-watchers.
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