With the election-season having kicked off, for obvious reasons the major players have caught everyone’s attention. Only last week, Don 2’s trailer got itself a spoof featuring Akhilesh Yadav, Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi alongside Mayawati and Amit Shah. Now, it’s Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi waging war against each other to the tunes of ‘Aa Dekhe Zaraa’ in another hilarious video.
The video picks up parts from the speeches of both leaders and syncs it to the song lyrics and makes it even more comic when they pick up each ‘Aa’ and elongate it at a higher volume. Uploaded by a page called ‘Waah Modi ji Waah’ the video has earned itself around 9k views and includes Rahul Gandhi’s very very dramatic silence right before he goes on to become a part of the video again.
‘Aa dekhe zaraa, kismein kitna hai dum’ sure seems like an apt anthem for the election speeches with out-of-the-world promises made by candidates and the video sure cashes in on that. Just like all spoof videos these days that make it a point to mention money and currency, this one too replaces ‘kis mei’ with ‘cash mei’. Whether its a dig at demonetization or the massive amounts of money that flows during the elections totally depends on the viewer.
Unlike most other spoof videos this one picks out most of the song lyrics out of Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi’s speeches and does not superimpose the words at most places. And not to forget, Donald Trump makes a bilnk-and-you-miss-it appearance. We shall not give out any more info and suggest you go give this one a watch and laugh your heart out!
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