This Women’s Day there has been a lot of talk about women’s rights and equality and what we can do to make the world a safer and better place for women. What we haven’t spoken about is mothers. Why are they a different category instead of just being women, you ask? That’s because mothers play a major role in nurturing kids into an adult, and these adults eventually go on to make up what we call society.
Tata Tea is here with their take on this matter and they present to us a list of questions which daughters ask and mothers ignore. Every time we get harased or eve-teased in the presenc of our daughters, it’s natural for them to raise a question. Do we ever answer though? Unfortunately not. What difference would it make if we did? Our daughters would know sexual harassment, rape, molestation and eve-teasing are active issues and that’s why their mothers walk faster when that creep on the road whistles at her.
Your daughter has the right to know that an unfortunate world awaits her, wherein she must be aware and alert. Yes, it’s unfair to ask so much of women but who better to break such awful news to a girl than her own mother, right? By telling her these issues exist we’d be saving her the disadvantage our parents’ silence put us at when we for the first stepped out into the world that loves to make women uncomfortable simply for existing.
Tata Tea has been known for their socially sensitive and aware ads and here are a few specimens of their brilliance.
So this International Women’s Day, let us all pledge to answer our kids before it gets too late and take Tata Tea’s advice seriously. The only way to keep your daughter safe is to keep her aware and no matter how much it scars her innocence she deserves to be answered.
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