Now we’ve all heard of the big, hairy and scary Bigfoot, haven’t we? It must have been one of the monsters our parents made ample use of to keep us from venturing into forests on vacations. But this reporter’s encounter with a new breed of Bigfoot is nothing like what you would imagine!
Now western Massachusetts is down with snow, winter storm and extreme weather and like a dutiful reporter Jeniffer Pagliei came on camera to keep the people informed. The newsroom gave it over to her and all was fine when out of the blue someone dressed as a Bigfoot-size mass of weed decided to troll her. The WWLP meteorologist saw the ‘pot sasquatch’ when she turned around to show viewers the snow and gave out a small laugh before going ahead with her live reporting.
We have no idea how she managed to keep her composure and finish the reporting in a scenario that had all of us in splits. Pagliei later reposted the video on her own page and spoke of having been trolled by a ‘walking tree’. WWLP named the sighting as ‘pot sasquatch’ and the troller sure seems to be having a fun time in it.
Massachusetts voted to legalize cannabis, that is, marijuana or weed, for recreational purposes for those who are 21 years of age or above in November last year. We cannot confirm if this breed of Bigfoot came onto live TV to tell us how happy he or she was with the new legislation, but true to its form marijuana has again presented us with some hilarious footage.
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