Food brings us a lot of happiness, doesn’t it? Be it ‘maa ke haath ka khaana’ after months of being in a hostel or just making something on our own for the very first time, food can up one’s mood at any given point in time. Do we ever bother to thank those because of whom this food makes it to our tables, though? No I am not talking of those who cook it.
It’s those who put in their blood and sweat into growing the food for us, namely, our farmers. Those who start off at the break of dawn, every day without fail, just to ensure food reaches each house. This ad by IndoFarm Tractors has kicked off the hashtag ‘Thank You Kisaan’ to thank those who are often forgotten but without whom food would never make it to the table ever.
From pizza to chole bhature, nothing would ever be made had those growing crops not put in their soul into their work. It never strikes any of us to think of farmers till they commit suicide, though that too fails to move us much. Since you know, farmers are huge in number so far as India is concerned, so what could a few deaths do to what we eat, isn’t it?
This video would strike a chord with most of us, since nobody ever goes without eating. So, let’s thank all our ‘kisaans’ and not forget we’d all die of hunger had it not been for them.
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