Would you swipe right for this boy on Tinder? Take a look at his viral bio first

20-year-old Malaysian student shocks everyone with his Tinder bio and the internet is having a field day

Everyone on Tinder is trying to put their best foot forward, trying their might to give a good impression and no matter what happens, they have to show a version that will be acceptable, right-swipe-worthy and well you know the rest of the story. This one guy decided that he will have to go beyond the ordinary attempts to grab attention and so he chose a slightly different path.

Meet Darren Go, the guy who has taken both Tinder and the internet by storm. His crime, you ask? Well, Darren wasn’t getting that lucky with his Tinder account, no right swipes, zero attention. As they say desperate times call for desperate measures, Darren decided to spice things up a little by changing his Tinder bio. So he gave an unconventional bio for his Tinder account. He came up with an old picture of his, from 2012, when he was in the ICU and had recently undergone a heart surgery. His pastor, who was visiting him in the hospital, clicked a picture to show his church group that Darren was on his way to recovery.

The caption of the picture took the cherry on the cake: I’m dying to meet you. When can ICU? (Geddit?)


And then screenshots of his Tinder account began to circulate on Twitter with the most hilarious reactions on Twitter:

To which Darren had an answer ready:


Also Read: The Girlfriend vs. The Other Girl: Internet finally found the one meme to rule them all

Some would say that Darren took the whole thing a bit too far, may appear insensitive even, but for the internet, it was mostly a good day as they LOL’d at this 20-year-old’s antics. No matter what anyone says, it is after all Darren’s own picture and he can mock himself if he wants to.


And then Darren went on to become the stock of an internet meme and had to set-up a Twitter account just to keep up with the trolls

We don’t know how well has the bio experiment proved for Darren, but we do wish him luck in all his future endeavors.
