At times technology can help in saving lives and a recent incident that took place in USA is a testimony of it. A voice-activated smart device apparently saved the life of a woman and her daughter after she shouted ‘Alexa Call 911’. In an incident that took place on July 2, a 28-year old Eduardo Barros had an altercation with his girlfriend in Tijeras and suddenly the argument turned physical. Barros waved the gun at the woman and allegedly asked her, “Did you call the sherrif?
It is believed that the statement of hers was picked up by smart speaker and the voice-powered virtual assistant recognized it as an order, therefore, prompting it to call 911. However, the officials could not tell as how the call went through. Meanwhile, the man was arrested by the police.
Bernalillo County Sheriff Manuel Gonzales said only that technology “definitely helped save a mother and her child from a very violent situation.” However, Sheriff’s spokeswoman Deputy Felicia Romero said that she is not sure about the device which might have been used.
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Voice assistants for example, Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Echo and Alexa-enabled devices are quite popular among users and are also gaining popularity. They can follow numerous commands such as ordering goods online to home automation. However, there are also some limits to what they can do.
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When the police reached Albuquerque on July 2, they saw the woman outside the home. She also had red marks on her whole body and her face was swelled. It is still a mystery as how the emergency call was made but the officials are glad that they were alerted about it.
(Source: CBS News)
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