November 9, 2016, was the most shocking day in the history of United States. The day not only marked the end of a liberal and an inclusive era that was ushered by eight years of the Obama-administration, but also highlighted the beginning of a misogynist and a xenophobic age in America. Kudos to the victory of the republican Donald J Trump!
Though his victory was highly unlikely and people from his own camp were betting on his loss, he beat all his odds to defeat Hillary Clinton.
As the news of Trump’s victory broke, a wave of shock and fear washed over the United States and massive protests erupted across the country. People from all walks of life took to streets to demonstrate their anguish over the tragic outcome.
“Not my President“- are the words that echoed across America.
Here’s a brief account:
Washington DC– Demonstrators marched in front of Trump International Hotel to mark their protest.
Chicago– Hundreds of protesters marched to the Trump Tower to express their anger.
Chicago protest (Photo: Twitter/Carolyn Cakir)
Portland– Over 2,000 demonstrators chanted “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” as they walked through the city, reported CNN.
Boston– Thousands of anti-Trump protesters screamed “Trump’s a racist” and “Abolish Electoral College“.
Austin– Hundreds of University of Texas left their classrooms and marched along the streets the Texas Capitol to mark protest, wrote Indian Express.
New York– Over 5,000 protesters gathered outside the Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan on Wednesday night. “He’s not my President” and “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go” are some of the slogans that the protesters chanted.
New York protest (Photo:Twitter/WNYC)
Los Angeles– Hundreds of people including Latinos gathered near the City Hall on Wednesday night to protest against Trump’s victory.
Seattle– Hundreds of protesters gathered in the Capitol Hill neighbourhood carrying signs that read “Love Trumps Hate“. According to ABC News, demonstrators set the trash bin on fire to show their anguish.
Oakland– Over 6,000 people gathered between 8th and Washington and 8th and Broadway to protest against Trump’s victory, Oakland Police Department wrote in a tweet.
San Francisco– Hundreds of people marched along the Market Avenue to join a vigil in the Castro District to protest against Trump’s victory, the Express added.
Texas protest (Photo:Twitter/Robert Wilonsky)
Philadelphia– Nearly 700 marchers took to streets between Broadway street and Arch street in protest, Philadelphia police tweeted.
Dallas– According to ABC News, nearly 300 protesters gathered near Victory Park to participate in anti-Trump rally.
Protests were also held in Atlanta, St Paul, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, Richmond, Denver, Chicago, Oregon and Iowa.
Meanwhile, celebrities and supporters of Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to express their shock over the outcome of the election.
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