Uber fires top executive Amit Singhal for not disclosing sexual harassment allegations

Amit Singhal rubbished allegations and said he left Google a year ago for his own reasons

Barely a month after his appointment, Global taxi aggregator Uber has asked senior executive Amit Singhal to quit after he failed to reveal allegations of sexual harassment against him in his last job at Google.

According to tech blog Recode, Singhal left Google after executives there informed him of a harassment allegation lodged by an employee, one an internal investigation had found “credible.”

However, Singhal rubbished allegations and said he left Google a year ago for his own reasons.

“Harassment is unacceptable in any setting,” he said in an e-mailed statement. “I certainly want everyone to know that I do not condone and have not committed such behavior. In my 20-year career, I’ve never been accused of anything like this before, and the decision to leave Google was my own.” he said in a press statement

Singhal’s ouster comes as the global ride-hailing company is taking steps to check allegations of sexual harassment in its own organisation.

Singhal was heading search technology at Alphabet Inc.’s Google, a high-profile role running development of one of the world’s most profitable products. He left last year after 15 years with the company. At the time, Google said Singhal was retiring.

Earlier this month, a former female techie at Uber created storm after she claimed that The HR department and top management failed to act against a senior manager who have made sexual advances on her and even threatened her with poor performance review. The allegations, by Susan Fowler, highlighted the long-standing problem of gender discrimination in the technology industry.

Seeking an independent investigation of these issues, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has hired former Attorney General Eric Holder for help.
