The entire ordeal at any government offices is generally frustrating and when the official refusing to attend to your needs just adds to your annoying experience. This disgruntled Maine man was not satisfied with the services at the government offices decided to do something about it.
According to reports, the man approached the code enforcement office to complain about the problem of bed bugs in his previous apartment. However, the officials reportedly told him that he did not qualify for assistance. Angered with the response of the authorities, the man released a cup of live bed bugs on the counter. Yep, we are not even kidding.
“He whipped out a cup (full of live bedbugs) and slammed it on the counter, and bam, off they flew, maybe 100 of them,” City Manager William Bridgeo told the Kennebec Journal.
Bed bugs thrown on counter inside City Center in Augusta by man, the city manager says (image ctsy: City Manager William Bridgeo)
— Ted Homer WGME (@teddyhomernews) June 2, 2017
“They’re your problem, now!” yells man as he dumps cup of bed bugs at Augusta city hall, forcing the building to shut down, employee says
— Ted Homer WGME (@teddyhomernews) June 2, 2017
Some of the bed bugs even fell on the employee sitting on the other side of the counter. The situation went on so bad the officials had no other choice but the shut the office down for a day to clean up the area. The city manager in Augusta, Maine, said the municipal office building had to be sprayed for bedbugs after a man threw a cup of the pests onto an office counter and about 100 of them scattered off.
Apparently, the man told the police that he wanted the officials to experience what he had to. “Frankly, the General Assistance office has nothing to do with bedbugs. It’s an extraordinary bit of misdirected anger.” Kennebec Journal quoted Matt Nazar, city development director as saying.
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