The United States on Thursday dropped the BU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), the largest ever non-nuclear bomb, on Afghanistan targeting ISIS base in the country. The bomb which is also being referred as “Mother of All Bombs” was dropped on the ISIS-Khorasan.
Praising US administration for the action, lawmakers in the country said that it will deter those who are involved in terror activities as it ‘sends a clear message’ to them.
Damage caused by MOAB is not known yet, according to White House the operation attacked, “a system of tunnels and caves that ISIS fighters used to move around freely, making it easier for them to target U.S. military advisers and Afghan forces in the area”.
The weight of GBU-43 is 21,600 pound (9,797 kg). As per the reports, the MOAB is about 20-feet-long. It was first tested in the year 2003 but this is the first time that MOAB has been dropped on a country.
General John Nicholson, commander of US Forces in Afghanistan said: “As ISIS-Khorasan’s (ISIS-K) losses have mounted, they are using IEDs, bunkers and tunnels to thicken their defence, this is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum of US offensive against ISIS-K”.
The bomb is dropped to send a message across the terrorist organisation that the US is committed to carry out actions in order to defeat ISIS and all terror organisations, said Senator Jim Inhofe, who is a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Here’s how twitter reacted on it:-
The Mother Of All Bombs! #MOAB
— Deplorable Ranchers (@OrganicRanchers) April 13, 2017
#ISIS reportedly put a suicide vest on this 7 yr boy RETWEET if you think that ISIS needs to be destroyed! #MOAB
— Kevin W. (@kwilli1046) April 14, 2017
Obama dropped a mic … Trump dropped the MOAB #MOAB #MotherOfAllBombs #Afghanistan
— ______ __ (@uhLowkey) April 14, 2017
so you're willing to spend $314mil on a damn #moab when literally a third of that could easily fix the crisis in Flint?? @realDonaldTrump
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson) April 14, 2017
Dropping of #MOAB to destruct #ISIS in Afghan should not be judged from prism of geo politics but as an essential fight against terror
— Jaiveer Shergill (@JaiveerShergill) April 14, 2017
Syria was a STUNT. The MOAB in Afghanistan is a STUNT. From Monday: Trump has now been taught Bombs=Media Applause
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) April 14, 2017
The Next 8 years will be VERY different than the last 8 years !! #FridayFeeling #MOAB
— STOCK MONSTER (@StockMonsterUSA) April 14, 2017
It's true they dropped the mother of all bombs but first they took away her birth control.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) April 13, 2017
"In a Patriarchal society… Even the evil of Bomb is called "Mother" of all bombs.. not Father" .. #TweetLikeFeministMorons @ndtv @Timesnow
— MediaCrooks (@mediacrooks) April 14, 2017
Military developing an even bigger bomb than #MOAB. It's the Mother-In-Law of all bombs… and it never thought you were good enough.
— Steve Irvin (@Steve_Irvin) April 14, 2017
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