In the aftermath of Indian engineer Srinivas Kuchibhotla’s killing, the Telegu people residing in the United States have been directed to keep themselves protected and not to provoke the locals who might not be happy to have an Indian neighbour. The Telegu people from Telangana who have settled in the US have started keeping a distance from Americans thereby preventing themselves from any kind of trouble.
On February 27, the Telangana America Telugu Association called a meeting in Washington were issues related to the Telugus were discussed. The directions were later given to them for being safe included not to show off their wealth, and not let others know about their earnings.
As reported by the Times of India, TATA president Jhansi Reddy stated that several precautions are needed to be taken. She said,” After the Olathe incident, there are some disturbances created in Hyderabad. But people here are not so worried. There have been few incidents in which a couple from Telangana was shot dead but we believe that the things will settle down.” Further, she stated that the Telugus need to mingle and socialise with Americans so that they get to know them and understand their culture. She also asserted that the Indians should also come forward and participate in fund-raising for politicians during elections.
The 32-year-old Srinivas Kuchibhotla, an engineer hailing from India and working at the Garmin headquarters in Olathe, was killed in the shooting; another Indian and his colleague Alok Madasani was critically injured and is battling for life at a local hospital. A man identified as Ian Grillot was also injured in the shooting.
Later, the Embassy in New Delhi has strongly condemned the act through a press release while Union Minister of External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj also offered her condolences to the departed’s family and assured of every possible help to them. She took to his Twitter account and wrote, “I am shocked at the shooting incident in Kansas in which Srinivas Kuchibhotla has been killed. My heartfelt condolences to bereaved family.”
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