Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, the alleged architect of September 11 attacks, has held ” destructive policies” of United States responsible for the attacks saying the Washington brought it upon itself. In an explosive letter to the Obama administration, Mohammad said,” It was not we who started the war against you in 9/11; it was you and your dictators in our land.”
Addressing Barack Obama as “head of snake” and a leader of “the country of oppression and tyranny” , Mohammad said, “Allah aided us in conducting 9/11, destroying the capitalist economy, catching you with your pants down, and exposing all the hypocrisy of your long-held claim to democracy and freedom.”
The 18 page letter is dated January 8, 2015, but reached the White House only two years later in the last days of Obama’s presidency.
Counting out a long list of grievances pertaining to America’s ” brutal and savage massacres,” from Vietnam to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Mohammed focused his rage on the plight of Palestinians and US support for Israel and the “occupier Jews.”
“Your hands are still wet with the blood of our brothers and sisters and children who were killed in Gaza,” wrote Mohammad who faces potential death penalty due to his role in 9/11 attacks that claimed lives of over 3000 people.
Blasting US for its Iraq policy, Mohammad said,” You turned Iraq into a blood-soaked canvas. Did your predecessor find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? No, but they found an excellent site for the largest American embassy in the world, built to serve the employees of the oil companies that profit from the oil-rich resources of the Iraqi people, profits that flow to the lobbyists and pressure groups who hold the keys to your office.”
” And if your court sentences me to death, I will be even happier to meet Allah and the prophets and see my best friends whom you killed unjustly all around the world and to see Sheikh Osama Bin Laden,” he added.
Mohammad was waterboarded 183 times in March 2003 and held at a secret CIA prison site overseas.
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